The Birth of the Musichiatry

Dr. Siggy
Dr. Siggy

Musichiatry [pronounced: Mūzik-Hîgh-a-Trēe] was inspired by a Steve Jobs speech while working at Apple’s One Infinite Loop in 1997. Musichiatry fills the gap between musicology and psychiatry offering a more rigorous get down with the nitty gritty of the integrité. Paging Dr. Sigmund J. Badenracher (“Dr. Siggy/Sig”), who focuses on pop music/pop psychology realms as an SDR (a “sex, drugs and rock and roll” specialist).

And so the word was first revealed from on high as Jobs (speaking via the company PA from the floor above) broke product marketing down into 4 boxes…and thus was musichiatry born.

Outer SpaceYour BrainYour Life With Music
The FunkAstronomyPsychiatryMusichiatry
The BunkAstrologyPsychologyMusicology

Conjuring realms far beyond Little Feat’s Rock and Roll Doctor or Travesty Unlimited’s Rock & Roll Doctor, Dr. Siggy fills the musical gaps that the music itself cannot fill – with all the rap and none of the crap to wrap your head around your own musical existence. Sig is here to help you navigate life’s music moments packed with any BYO resonances that you might already carry.

They say there’s no accounting for taste, well meet the first taste accountant! Dr. Siggy’s signature “groove analysis” delivers for all scenarios. This gives the consumer the power to make life’s consumption choices armed with a strategy to finally take charge and live large.

You’ll thrill to the authoritative rants and raves of this inscrutably opinionated Hippocrat as he roars, he shocks and then he Rohrshachs. As Dr. Siggy intones in the upcoming tome:

“You are what you listen to…”